Altitude Alto

'Altitude Alto' by Mushroomhead group from Multimedia University (MMU) has won the 3rd place for MSC Malaysia - 13th TBS DigiCon6 Animation & Movie Awards Competition 2011 and has been recognized as the Top 5 Malaysian Regional Winner.

TBS DigiCon6 Awards is an annual competition which seeks and recognizes talented creators through-out Asia (Japan, China, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand) and rewards them for their outstanding works. TBS DigiCon6 provides these creators with opportunities to expand their creative ground by supporting their innovative minds and activities year round.

Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) is the official Territorial Supporter for DigiCon 6 Award for Malaysia. DigiCon6 in Malaysia is organized by MDeC in association with the WACOM, AVID, Maxis Developer Programme and Animation Society of Malaysia. JUICE Magazine is the Media Partner for the event.

Produced by: Mushroomhead Group